ChartMaster acts as a convenient reference point for your business, bringing together all of your marketing and performance statistics into a simple, printable colour chart format.
As your BizChecker applications compile statistics for you over time, ChartMaster automatically converts the data, growing into a wealth of information for your reference and analysis
Whether you're checking your most effective marketing areas or seeking feedback and results from an online survey – ChartMaster gives you all the information you need in an easy-to-use, but comprehensive facility.
SurveyMaster allow you to easily conduct online surveys to find out valuable opinions about your business and the way you work. A lot of valuable data can be collected covering many different aspects so ChartMaster is used to analyes and then present your findings in simplified, printable online colour graphs and charts.
The 'Marketing Feedback' app. is used in conjunction with other BizChecker apps. such as the Availability Checker and Dynamic Contact Form, to collect data on where visitors to your website found out about you.
The data collected is then analysed using ChartMaster and presented on screen in easy to read, colour graphs and charts.